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Facebook: Are we missing the "point"?

2300: Log in to Facebook.

Go through posts

Go through even more posts.

Block that annoying "True meaning of your name" app.

Check out that interesting post on 9Gag

Hey, it's 0100, I'd better log out.

I'm a dork for wasting two hours on this shitty thing.

Ever happened to you? You end up spending hours on Facebook, and still end up dis-satisfied? Happens every time with me. I wonder why I still login...

If the movie is to be believed, most people head over to Facebook just to see the relationship status of that special someone. Not so much of a concern for me. I'm voted most likely to be single for life. I mainly log in to Facebook to catch up on what people are doing; in other words, to stalk people.

People are all awesome. They post the best parts of their lives online, leaving the not-so-interesting parts out. Have a look at any profile picture. If it is a real picture of someone, it will be a face radiant with happiness and joy. Check out pictures of people hanging out in a group, laughing away to glory. Hey, I just had a fight with that guy out there, why is he so happy. Guess no one really likes me; hardly 10% of pictures of me are like that. In any case, I just feel awkward laughing at the camera, or whenever I'm in a group. Sigh! My life sucks...

Thumbs up if this has happened to you. Do you get affected thus whenever you see your Facebook stream? Apparently, a study has shown that spending time on Facebook can make you depressed. Not surprising considering the scenario I painted above. Happens every time you feel like crying and you see that happy, smiling face looking back at you. Almost makes me feel as if the other person is gloating over my sorrow.

Actually, seeing "friends" get along with their lives not giving a damn for you can be a disconcerting experience. And when you see 500 odd people not give a damn about you, but fill your screen with everything "awesome" that they did, be it getting in relationships, a dinner party to which you were not invited, or a movie, or strumming the guitar; all this information is essentially noise, which gets thrown at a person using Facebook, which the person absorbs like a sponge. Think of the amount of brain damage done to the person.

People reading this blog would be quick to point out that I am partial towards Google+ when it comes to social networking. My response would be the same as always. Google+ and Twitter are micro-blogging platforms, and posts on these platforms generally are not personal, but intelligent. If I follow someone on Google+ or Twitter, it's because the person is awesome, and I wish to follow him/her. LinkedIn is a professional network, and hardly anything other than work-related-stuff is posted there. It's different with Facebook though. Facebook has grown to be a platform where everyone posts everything about their awesome lives, where one may still go and look at the relationship status of the special someone, stalk people, and get depressed.

You know what, deep down, you are awesome. It's just that not all moments of your life can be awesome. That is where Facebook lacks. People do not post the non-awesome parts of their lives. Facebook does not publish the non-awesome parts of a person's life. If it did, people would leave.

We've missed the whole "point" about being social.


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